Planning Week One

Happy New Year!

It is a brand new year and I have chosen the first book for my first week of reading already! Using my cute little day planner I bought about five months back and completely forgot I had it until I cleaned up my bookshelf, I decided to go ahead and plan out the first book to read.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 

Now because this is only the first of January and I haven’t started reading as of it, I do not have a review for this book (though I will by Sunday!) I thought I would share what book I had chosen and why, and possibly give everyone a chance to pick it up and read along with me.

I first got this book in 2014, which seems like decades ago by now. The book caught my interest after watching some Booktubers (I believe it was Katytastic who talked about it) on YouTube who went on and one about Rainbow Rowell, especially Fangirl. Like many of their recommendations, I might have added it to my Amazon cart and waited by my front door after pressing Place Order. The book is absolutely beautiful (and I will post a picture next week after finishing it).

I should probably start by saying I tried to read this book before but only got about a chapter into the story. It wasn’t because the book was slow or uninteresting, but rather because I reading it during a major college slump in 2014 (when I bought dozens of books out of impulse) and found myself not escaping the world of college like I had hoped, causing me to put the book away and swear to not read it until I was somewhat emotionally stable and not trembling with college stress. Now that I’m on break and can laugh and relate to the craziness of college. Also, the main character being a writer still highly intrigues me.

Why I chose it:

My bookshelf consists of about 90% book series and, while I am a huge fan of long series, I really wanted to start off with a stand alone novel to ease me into week one. Fangirl caught my eye almost immediately, particularly because of the beautiful light pistachio green cover and the fact I had read a chapter or two of it a while back. It seems fitting to read now, especially since I have just a year of college left and have been getting back into my love of writing. I am thrilled to read this book and hope it will give me a taste of my resolution for this year!

Read with Me! 

Every week I will announce what book I plan to read for the following week in order for anyone to have the chance to read it with me. Each week I will post a review on the books and a summary of them on Sundays (don’t worry, I will warn everyone so I won’t spoil anything). If you have read any of the books I reviewed, feel free to comment along and share your thoughts on the books and any recommendations.

Happy reading!

One thought on “Planning Week One

  1. FatalShadow says:

    Woohoo! I’m so excited! (The whole A Year of Books thing is so exciting!) I haven’t read Fangirl yet, but I’ll be waiting for your review to help me decide if I’ll read it after I finish the one I’m reading right now.

    Hope you fulfill your 2017 New Year’s resolutions! ❤


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